What Can a Cosmetic Dentist Do?

Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic Dentists help enhance or improve the appearance of the teeth, gums, or jaw. When patients are not happy with their smile, or those who have chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help give you that perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the overall appearance of a patient’s smile including the color, position, shape, and size of the teeth. Understanding what a cosmetic dentist can do will help you decide what type of dentist you may need.

Cosmetic dentistry offers many services to enhance your smile. We offer a detailed consultation process that allows our team to examine your teeth and mouth to determine the recommended treatment. We also take the time to let the patient explain their concerns, and what they like or dislike about their smile. Our team is there every step of the way to help guide our patients, and choose a treatment that works best for them.

What Cosmetic Services Are Available?

  • Smile Makeovers
  • Facial Rejuvenation
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Invisalign
  • Gum Contouring
  • Dental Crowns
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Dental Bonding
  • Dental Implants

Cosmetic dentistry can help brighten your smile, straighten your teeth, and make your teeth look more uniform and natural. If you have damage or an injury, you do not need to live with these issues. Cosmetic dentistry can help fix these imperfections. Missing teeth can be corrected, and you can enjoy a beautiful smile without anyone knowing you had missing teeth. Leaving missing teeth in your mouth can lead to bone loss or other complications, so it is important to address your issues as soon as possible.

Looking to Take That Next Step?

Taking that first step to call our office is all you have to do to get on the road to a beautiful smile you can be proud to show off. Creating beautiful smiles is what we do, and our team is here to provide the very best care available. Using the latest technology we can transform your teeth into a bright white smile.

If you are unhappy with your smile, or are interested in finding out what procedures are available, contact our office, and our staff will be happy to set up your consultation.

Keys To Return A Patient’s Smile

Keys To Return A Patient's Smile

The mouth and the lower third of the face are primarily responsible for the perception that others have of our facial expression. Not even the eyes can express as many emotions and moods as the mouth. With the passage of time, the expressive potential of our mouth and, by extension, of the face, deteriorates. Loss of teeth or degradation of bone mass in the oral cavity also leads to aging of the lips, loss of firmness of the chin, and modification of the chin or nose. We attend changes that are partly unavoidable, but that some measure can be delayed or mitigated. It depends on the care and attention we give them.

There are still many people today who intend to ignore the importance of the health of the mouth in the general maintenance of health and in the psychological variables that mark the life of each individual: self-esteem, the image we project in front of others, and our own capacity for expression and communication.

Psychological dimension of smile design

In the evolution in health care we have already passed the stages in which the relevant thing was palliative treatment and functionality. Thanks to scientific advances, the rise of preventive mentality and technology, we have discovered that a healthy mouth not only involves minimal maintenance of teeth, but an integral approach in which psychological and aesthetic aspects also play a relevant role. And always based on the physiognomy of each individual, which is unrepeatable. We don’t consider one aspect and abandon the others. For example, it is a mistake to focus excessively on the search for aesthetics without evaluating the limits to which one can reach without compromising the authenticity of a person’s face.

Or, just limit yourself to applying treatments that provide a temporary improvement of oral-dental health or the basic recovery of certain functionality without thinking about the long-term consequences. Fortunately, dentistry increasingly has more sophisticated instruments to make accurate diagnoses and simulate the possible evolution of each type of treatment. In fact, the key to the success of any technique today is the ability to plan the result according to the objectives we have set. It is not about applying various therapies successively or randomly without knowing very well where we are going. When working in this way, unexpected surprises arise. It can increase the chances of frustration of the patient before a series of treatments that finally does not meet their expectations and does not return them to the previous state of a healthy and fully functional mouth.

How should we address it? First, we make a good diagnosis and listen to our patients. Then, we use the digital tools at our disposal to have a detailed knowledge of the problem and establish the treatment strategy, which we will put in common with the patient to obtain their agreement and clear all doubts that may arise about the process.